KB856917 | HOW TO: Create an "On the Fly" Assessment with Lightning Grader

KB856917 | HOW TO: Create an "On the Fly" Assessment with Lightning Grader

This lesson will walk you through scanning students responses with Lightning Grader! LiG is a fast, easy way to scan student responses and determine their performance.

1. Print Answer Sheets

Make sure to have reviewed Print Answer Sheets for Generic Answer Sheets pre-slugged with Student ID, to use for a wide variety of On the Fly assessments in your classroom at any time you need to assess On the Fly for those formative yet powerful learnings in the classroom.

Laminate or place the answer sheets in a sheet protector to be used again and again for any generic assessment!

2. Get Your Camera Ready

Make sure your scanning station was previously tested and ready to scan at a moments notice.

Visit Getting Scanning Ready for Teachers to ensure scanning success.

3. Create an Assessment, On The Fly

On the Fly is a powerful tool to help you get more information about your students' needs quickly or formatively. Whether or not you save that data is up to you, but in the moment as an Exit Ticket, Classroom Game, or anything you want to collect and assess, to promote your students' success!

Start by Assessments > Create a New Assessment > On The Fly. Confirm the number of questions and select Okay.


4. Scan Answer Keys

Illuminate and Lightning Grader need an answer key in order to correctly score your scanned answer sheets. You should also see your Web Camera (or Smiling Face!) or Document Camera in the gray screenbelow.

Having trouble seeing your camera? Visit Scanning Troubleshooting for Teachers.

Enter an answer key as desired. Select Scan Student Responses to get started!

For On The Fly assessments, your answer key will be more simple and quick-to-grade, relying more on auto or computer graded functionality. For more advanced item types, it is better to create a Manual/Hybrid Assessment ahead of time for advanced scoring features and options.

5. Scan Student Responses

Have students scan or start scanning using your camera! Once all the points of validation are highlighed green, the student's record will appear on the right hand side.

By default, the Teacher Mode begins collecting student responses as they scan.

Notice the Correct, Percent Correct, and Incorrect Responses are all available On the Fly, as student answers are being recorded.

Teacher Mode is for instances when you are monitoring scanning at your desk or a particular area and want to see student responses listed as shown above. Selecting Show under Incorrect Responses will give an instant Student Response Summary of both correct and incorrect answers.

Student Mode is great for instant student feedback at a station or scanning area. Students can clear their answers before leaving by pressing Enter to clear the screen. Notice if there are rubric or teacher-graded items, it tells the student that additional work needs to be reviewed by the teacher.

Return to Teacher Mode to continue and see final results after all students have scanned their answers.

6. Save & View Results

After students repsonses have been scanned, you can select Save & View Results at anytime. This page remains in scanning mode, but gives a variety of instant data to analyze and enjoy!

Answer Sheets scanned thus far can give an Overall Performance summary, based on the Number of Students scanned and the District Default Performance Band.

Below the Performance Summary within the View Report On dropdown, is a Score Distribution report. This report will provide a quick student list with Student ID, Name, Score, and %Correct, as scanned thus far.

Notice at any time, you are able to Download to Microsoft Excel or a CSV format, when needed.

Within the View Report On dropdown, is a Response Frequency report to see scanned results and distribution of answer choices thus far. For example, looking at Question 1, the correct answer is marked with an * which was A. 2 students answered A so far. However, Question 3 shows 1 student answered C, which is not the correct answer.

This report also shows each available answer choice based on the Answer Key in Step 1, any multiple or blank answer choices students may have scanned, the total number correct, incorrect, and a final % Correct graph.

Notice at any time, you are able to Download to Microsoft Excel or a CSV format, when needed.

Since you are administering On the Fly, you have a few options as to what to do next.

Go back to Scan Student Responses to continue scanning. You can always go back and forth between Step 2 and 3 as you need.

An option if using Illuminate Gradebooks is to push the scores into an Assignment! No more double entry!

Select the Gradebook and enter the Assignment Name.

Once Save is selected, the score will be transfered instantly as an assignment in the selected Gradebook.

Want to learn more about Illuminate Gradebooks? Visit U400 Gradebook to learn more!

Another option that is helpful if you want to return to results at a later date/time, have absent students take this assessment later, or take the information to the next level by aligning standards, creating question groups, or share the assessment with others, select Save as an Assessment.

Make sure to enter a Title for the assessment and select Save to save this new assessment.

Need to find this assessment later? Visit Assessments > View Assessments to find it.

Created by Illuminate
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