KB200402 | HOW TO: Remote into chromebook or chrometab

KB200402 | HOW TO: Remote into chromebook or chrometab


1.  You must be signed into your Google Browser using your Catalyst Credentials
2.  The scholar must be signed into their Google Browser using their Catalyst Credentials

Scholar needs to click on the icon for the chrome remote desktop

Then when they get this screen--they should click the "generate code" button

They will then get a code that they will share with you.  For additional sharing sessions--you will need to have them generate a new code.

To remote into the Scholar computer you will click on the chrome remote desktop
The field that you need is the second box--Give Support--Enter the code that the scholar gave you and you will have access to their device.

To end sharing session, click Stop Sharing
After every 30 minutes you will be asked by the system if you want to continue to share.

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