KB856948 | HOW TO: Create an Itembank Assessment with Standards

KB856948 | HOW TO: Create an Itembank Assessment with Standards

In the Itembank, assessments can be created with items/questions from the community-driven public item bank, 3rd party item banks purchased by the district, user-created items, or a combination of all three. This lesson will show you how to create an assessment with items and publish a test booklet ready to use with students.

Where to Start

1. Click Assessments.

2. Under Itembank, click Create New Itembank Assessment.

Create A New Assessment

1. Click Assessment (Standard Mode).

2. Press Next.

1. Give a Name for your assessment. The red asterisk (*) next to Name the Assessment indicates this field is required.

2. The description will not tie to filters (i.e., narrowing down your displayed list of assessments) but can contain any information you find helpful (such as the purpose of the assessment, what you plan to do with results, a particular student group that should take the assessment, etc.).

Scroll down to continue.

3. Tag your assessment for easier searching on your list of assessments (Academic Year, Grade Levels, Subject).

4. Click Create, or when editing, select Save.

Selecting Back or Next will also save your progress as you go!

1. Choose the standards set, subject, and the grade level for the standard(s) to which you will be aligning to your assessment. As you select the drop-down menus the standards will be automatically loaded on the page. To find a specific standard by key word or standard code, use the search box then click Search.

2. You can click any arrow symbol to expand the strand or sub-strand and see the standards housed within.

3. Select the standard(s) by clicking on the bolded name of the standard. A chain link symbol will appear when standard is linked. To unlink, click again to unselect.

You can continue adding and selecting as many standards as you need, to in the next step, review items for your test! You can also come back to this page after searching for specific items and add more as you need!

4. As you select standards, the number of standards selected and the standard codes will appear to the right of the page. The number of items will be 0 because you have selecting items from the bank, yet.

5. You may continue to select standards by changing your search options at the top of the page. Click Next.

If you build Assessments in the Itembank often, you will see recent standards you've used under the standard dropdown menus, for quick addition to a search.

Use the search filters to find the items you wish to add to your test. You may select multiple filters to narrow your search. Remember to click Update Filters after each of your selections in order to apply the filters to your results.

By default, selecting Search will find items tied to your selected standards and selected Itembanks. Each of the additional filters are ways to refine, find, and target specific questions and attributes you are looking for

Click the change any of the following to enhance your search:

  1. Item Banks: Click one or more banks to search for items. The Public bank contains items submitted by Itembank users. If your district has purchased items from specific 3rd party vendors (e.g., INSPECT), those banks will appear. Available bands may vary.
  2. Item Types: Choose from available item types (e.g., multiple choice).
  3. Passages: Search for items that are use passages, do not have passages or either.
  4. Attributes: Choose from a variety of attributes such as Depth of Knowledge or DOK levels, Blooms Taxonmony and more. This also included English, Spanish and other item information.
  5. Locked Status: Search for items that are locked or unlocked, meaning they cannot or can be duplicated to be revised to make your own versoin.
  6. Authors: As you get more familiar with what items and passages you have access to, you can search for particular authors.
  7. Item Keywords: Enter key words to find items with those words contained in the stem or answer options.
  8. Passage/Title: Enter a specific passage title to find items for.
  9. Item/Passage Identifiers: With our partnering vendors, this provides the ablity to search by a specific item number, which is found as part of the attributes for each item.
  10. The Reset button will clear your selected search criteria and begin again.
  11. Select Search to find items.

Add Items

Once at least 1 item is added, you are able to Preview the assessment thus far. This allows you to see a Student View of the assessment as you are building, before publishing.

Search results will appear below the Search Filters area so that you can add items to your assessment.

1. At the top of your search results, you will see the number of items found from your search and you may jump from page to page by clicking the arrows next to the page number at right.

2. Each item displays the standard code aligned to the item, teacher instructions (if available), the stem, answer choices (correct answer in green), and a link to show Rationale & Item info (if the item contains this information).

3. Click the Add button to add the item to your assessment. Once added, the button will be shaded in gray with the word "Added." In the example above, the second question has been added. To remove an item, simply click the Added button and the item will be removed from your assessment.

4. As items are added to your assessment, a count of the items added will appear to the right of the page as well as the number of items by standard.

5. Click Next when finished adding items.

Note: The Pencil/Screen icons at the top of the item indicate if an item works on paper test, online test or both.

The Review step allows you to review the items added to your assessment.

  1. Change the Answer Order by selecting
  2. Change Question Order by typing in the order you wish it to be at.
  3. Remove items that no longer need to be a part of your assessment.
  4. Select Sections to view the overall sections, question labels, etc. (See below).
  5. Lock Items from being available in the bank outside of this assessment. This is a permission based feature typically for System Admin.
  6. Technology Enhanced items allow you to Practice the item.
  7. Click to show Rationale & Item Info display the item's attributes, author, and detailed information on its validity and rigor.
  8. Click Next (5) to continue.

On the Overview page you can:

1. Add Sections.

2. Edit Section Titles and Question Labels by clicking on the Pencil icon. You may also delete sections using the Trash Can icon, or re-order sections using the Arrows.

3. When finished, click Next.

The Booklet step provides several options to format your assessment. These settings are enabled for a paper copy of the assessment, either the Teacher or Student edition.

By default, the recommended template is determined by the item format included in the test. Items in the Itembank may have a pre-defined layout. PDF Template provides options on how the PDF will look.

  1. Choose a Template for the items to follow.
  2. To download a copy of the Student Booklet, select Generate.

To download a copy of the Teacher's Edition, make sure to select Teacher Edition to Yes. Then Generatefor a copy..

Generate Assessment Booklet

The assessment booklet will generate as a PDF on your computer. The example above shows how a 2 column booklet looks like.

Publish is the final step of the itembank assessment creation process. Prior to publishing, if you would like to make changes to your assessment, go to the appropriate tab to make your edits.

When you are sure that your assessment is in final form and can be made available for administration, click Publish. Once an itembank assessment is published, it cannot be edited.

Before you publish, some options are available in how you see your student data by Question Groups or the items attributes.

  1. Under Question Groups, Enable Question Groups bundle all items with a similar attribute. For example, you see that there are 4 questions or items that have the same Difficulty Level of Medium.
    • If you were to select Enable Question Groups, that would turn on and provide data on how your students did on that question group or all medium leveled questions.
    • Click to select each Question Group you want to enable, to be included when you Publish the assessment and send it to Illuminate for Administration.
  2. Ready to test your students? Click Publish and Administer! This will send the assessment into Illuminate for Online Testing with your students immediately.
  3. Publish will send to the test into Illluminate for when you are ready to adminster to your students, found in Assessments > View Assessments.
  4. Additional resources and/or materials can be attached here in Add Material.

Can't decide on Question Groups or Materials? That's ok! Once published click on the Advanced tab in the Assessment Overview page and select Question Groups and Materials.

Remember, once published, the assessment can no longer be edited. You can add materials and review the assessment, even enable questoin groups, but you cannot add additional items.

  1. Once your assessment has been published, you will be taken to the Basic Information tab which displays the Assessment Overview.
  2. Review Item Selections allows you to review the assessment, sections, and with permissions lock items from further use outside of this assessment.
  3. Prepare Test Booklet settings CAN be changed or edited for the booklet version of the assessment. Once you save or generate, the setting will automatically apply to the published assessment as well.
  4. Always Return to Illuminate to take you back to Illuminate to your list of assessments.
Return to Illuminate

Once you are back in Illuminate, you will see your published itembank assessment in your list of assessments. In the example above, the Algebra I Blueprint is an itembank assessment as noted in the Type column.

You may share the itembank assessment you published with other users in your district. See the "Share an Assessment" lesson for more details. Please be aware that itembank assessments can only be duplicated and deleted by the assessment author. In addition, since the assessment is "published," editing of the test booklet is not possible.

Created by Illuminate
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