KB856925 | HOW TO: Enable Assessment for Online Testing

KB856925 | HOW TO: Enable Assessment for Online Testing

This lesson will walk you through setting up an assessment for online testing in the Illuminate Home Connection Portal. Assessments created from our Illuminate Itembank will display the individual questions online for students to answer one by one. Assessments created from an answer key in Illuminate will show only the answer choices, like an online bubble sheet, unless the test booklet is attached (Creating a Hybrid Assessment ).

Where to Start

1. Click on Assessments.

2. Select View Assessments.

3. You can click on Actions and Administer directly from your assessment list. If you choose this option, skip to Step 2.

4. You can also click on the title of the assessment you would like to use.

1. If your assessment has no student response data yet, select Online under 'Administer' when the pop up box displays upon landing on the Assessment Overview.

Online Testing Administration


Once in the Assessment Overview:

2. Select the Administration menu and then Online Testing.

1. Click + Test in Portal to select the students who should have access to this test in their portal account.

This page is where you will select the dates and times of access to the assessment and the students who have access to the test.

2. Testing Window Start and End Dates and Times - This is the entire window of availability for this test in the portal. By default, the test will be available from the start date and time through the end date and time, including out of school hours and weekends.

3. Academic Year - You can choose a certain Academic Year to choose all students rostered in that year.

4. Grade Level - You can choose an entire Grade Level to choose all students in that grade at the site you have access to.

5. Site - You can assign the test to an entire site - district or school options will be determined by what sites you have access to.

6. User - If you choose a school site, you can then drilldown to a specific user to choose all students that are rostered to that user.

7. Departments - If your district includes department data in your course information, you could assign to any student with a class in that department.

8. Course - Select the course you would like to assign this test to.

9. Section - This is generally used for secondary, but this allows you to choose which class section or period should have access to the test. You have to fist choose a school site to have access to the class sections.

10. Students - All students who meet the other criteria you've selected will be chosen by default. In order to pick individual students, you will need to choose a user first.

Click Save.

NOTE: Teachers will only have access to their site of affiliation and the students rostered to them. Teachers can choose the academic year, grade level, department (if available), course, and sections, but all of their rostered students will show without any options selected.

3. Apply Online Testing Settings

The settings can be customized to best fit the needs of your students. Most settings default to the most common settings that will automatically set you up for success. However, you have the option to change the following:

  • Administration Settings determines when and how they will take the test.
  • Tool Settings determines which tools they will have access to while students take the assessment.
  • Assessment Review Settings determines when and how they will see their results after finishing the test.

Select Show to open Online Testing - Administration Settings. These settings allow you to customize when in the administration window this test is available as well as if this test requires a secure testing environment. You can also add an inline test booklet for manual tests so that the test booklet does not have to be printed out.

By default, the following options are set up for success. You can customize the settings for each roster of students.

  1. Time Duration - This limits the amount of time students have to take the assessment.
  2. Student Pauses - This allows students to pause the assessment in progress for a quick break such as a restroom break.
  3. Constructed Response Input Method - Students will be able to write answers in a box online or on a physical piece of paper based on your selection.
  4. Availability - This will require a password the first time students listed in your roster access the test. A password is not required if they continue the test in another testing session.
  5. Browser - This allows you to determine if students can use any available browser to access the assessment or if you'd like to lockdown the testing environment using a secured browser.
  6. Test Booklet - This allows you to upload a new material or test booklet or select an existing material to be seen on the screen while students take the assessment online.

The ability to upload or attach a test booklet is only available for non-itembank assessments.

The browser feature will only be seen on the screen if enabled by a System Administrator. In order to use this feature, specific set up is required. To learn more about our Locked Browser, visit Enabling Locked Browsers for Online Testing.

Select Show to open Online Testing Tool Settings. These settings provide students with tools to assist in answering questions during the assessment.


This is where you will enable tools for students to use with their online assessment. Each tool has a variety of options on how it is assigned to students to utilize during the assessment:

  1. By default, itembank assessments will Use Item Settings.
  2. By default, the Digital Notepad is available for students in their toolbar during the assessment.
  3. Enable will turn on the tool and make it available to use for all items.
  4. Disable will turn off the tool and it will not be made available, even if the tool is part of the item setting.
  5. Select Cancel if you don't want to apply any changes made.
  6. Select Save to save and apply changes made.

What does Use Item Setting mean?When using content item banks to build your assessments, the authors have previously selected tools to be used for the item. By default, if items are tied to a specific tool, they are automatically turned on throughout the assessment. If you select Enable, you are turning that tool on for every item on the assessment.

Select Show to open Assessment Review Settings. An overview of the student's performance on this assessment will be available in the student portal. However, these settings allow you to determine if students will be able to review the actual test (questions or booklet) along with their answer choices. By default, these are set to No.


  1. Show Results - When set to Yes, students can go back to see their answers alongside the test booklet or questions. They will be able to review the assessment whether or not teacher-graded items have been scored.
  2. Enabled On turns on the ability for students to review the test starting at that specific date and time.
  3. Disabled On will turn off the ability for students to review the test after that specific date and time.
  4. With Key lets students to see their results along with the answer key, by selecting Yes or No.
  5. Click Save.

Students will see a 'Review This Assessment' or "eye" icon within their Portal once they've submitted their results.

Best Practice Tip! Assessment Review recreates the student experience where they receive graded test booklets back after taking a test. This will help students identify where they did well and what they can improve upon. This is offered to students for a limited amount of time as set by the teacher.

Consider This! If you decide to Show Results and if your assessment contains Teacher-Graded items, student scores and results will seem lower if those items haven't been graded yet. While a message is provided for students that there are items to be reviewed, you may want to turn on the review settings for a time after you've completed your grading.

Once Save has been selected you will be redirected to the information screen that shows all of the details of the test. From here you can:

  1. Delete the roster. Note: please do not delete existing rosters unless you will not need to administer this test online. Any roster can be edited to make the appropriate corrections.
  2. Edit the roster.
  3. Created by indicates the user that created the online testing roster.
  4. View the Window Start and End date, Status of a test (Pending, Current, Passed), Time Duration (If Applicable), Site Info: Grade level, Site, Course Info: Department, Course, Sections.
  5. Student Info/Tools shows the number of students assigned to take the test online and gives you access to live proctoring and the assessment panel.
  6. Auth Info will show you the password you created under Administration Settings - Availability.
  7. You can also access Deleted Rosters by clicking on the Deleted Administrations tab at the top of the page.

Before administering the assessment, take a peek from the student's perspective! Preview Assessment is a great way to see the settings you have enabled and determine if they are what you want your students to experience. Once clicked, you can customize your preview options to match your online testing settings.

Created by Illuminate
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